Woyzeck represents the pinnacle of artistic research conducted by the collective CERCLE and has to be intended as an artistic project. Nevertheless, the site-specific work gives Woyzeck the probability of carrying a strong social impact on the territory, and makes it certainly political in the most literal sense of the term, in the sense that concepts related to coexistence are not supported by this collective, not explained, but carried through the art and its production processes.


The current trend towards decentralization of power (devolution) in contemporary society is shaping, in the sphere of social policy, a new typology of welfare which is based upon a  horizontal subsidiarity and especially on a closer co-operation between public and private sector.
In this scenario, it becomes very important the role of “Third Sector” as new energy and alternative to the welfare of the Nation and to the economic market law, as the only person able to satistfy the needs of daily life, to the improvement of living standards, cultural services, and to provide a concrete alternative to the models of cooperation and exchange based on the law of maximum profit, registering at the same time, as shown by the investigation, a positive influence both in terms of turnover and employment.

On these basis stands the belief of the collective CERCLE to be able to generate relational models and productive virtuous that engage with the other fields of human activity, by the simple implementation of their personal artistic production process which is developed in the field of parallel experience of event organization (Festival Internazionale di Arti Visive e Performative RIFRAZIONI) and artistic creation.


The collective CERCLE through WOYZECK pursues the following aims:

1- Promote freedom of expression and art in all its forms, free from political influence and from commercial logic of mass entertainment.
2- Support interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue and provide an interchanging platform among people from different backgrounds and trainings.
3- Propagate art into those historical, artistic and naturalistic sights and in spaces fallen in disuse, including theatres and galleries, in order to bring them back to the collective heritage and promote an informed and responsible fruition.
4 – Reach those fringes of social fabric away from traditional theatres, supporting the creation of a wide heterogeneus audience and the interaction between different classes, promoting sharing and expression and thus the partial resolution of individual and collective discomfort.
5- Overthrow barriers between artist and audience, and depose feelings of indifference, alienation and uneasiness towards the work of art, so typical of our days.
6- Support the development of socio-cultural and turist sectors, of participated production models, not based on economic relations but rather on barter, recycling, mutual assistance and appraise everyone's personal inclinations.


Woyzeck is a multidisciplinary project, site-specific, active. Artists, associations and individuals are invited to participate at the realization of the final event.

Woyzeck Lab is a creative laboratory which starts up before the event, in the same place where it will be developed the project.

There are two different methods of connection with Woyzeck Lab:

1. Workshop for actors/performers

The workshop is based on physical and vocal training, the study of the relationship with the diversity of sites of action and on the collaboration with artists from others disciplines, as well as practicing on preparing Woyzeck's set up.
The workshop, led by Souphiène Amiar from CERCLE collective, includes a participation fee which is partially directed to cover the costs of the project in regards to the residence of the operators.
Fees are not applying to gain participation at Woyzeck, which is a free event, but they are applying instead for the educational experience available throughout the workshop .

2. Participation as indipendent artists

Artists from every discipline, organizations and individuals, are invited to visit us during our work on the site, and move proposals or write us to: